Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Quest For An Acne Cure

Acne Proactive Solution

Ask any acne sufferer (there ought to be a proper term for this), and s/he will tell you that there is no real cure for acne. I agree. Acne is a condition that may recur at any time, no matter what the circumstances, and the best cure for acne is prevention. However, given the enormity of the battle against acne, researchers have been tirelessly working to find ways to at least control and minimize the incidence of acne, and in many cases that is as good as a cure.

Acne Proactive Solution

Let's talk prevention

Acne Proactive Solution

Charles Griffith, a 38-year-old insurance banker from Atlanta, says he has suffered from severe acne since he was 14, and has resigned himself to the fact that his acne will never really be completely cured. However, in the past year, he has discovered the Exposed Acne Treatment System, which has kept him acne-free for the past six months. "I noticed pretty early on that doctors never talked about an acne cure, but about prevention and treatment," he says. "Since prevention is not always in our hands, I have settled for treatment, and I find the Exposed system works for me."

Acne Proactive Solution

But herein we have another knotty problem. Given the varying nature of individual skins, it is impossible to say with any degree of certainty that what worked for someone else will work for you. So if Charles is happy with the Exposed system, you may require a course of Accutane (more about this later), and someone else may swear by the Proactiv Solution.

Since we are discussing acne cures here, I will not go into the methods of acne prevention in detail. Suffice it to say that most of the so-called 'cures' are actually preventive methods, which help control future acne outbreaks by looking after your skin in certain ways. For instance, the Exposed System that Charles used claims to help clear existing acne, prevent new acne from forming, even skin tone, and reduce existing acne scars.

The Accutane factor

Accutane, on the other hand, is an oral retinoid (call it an antibiotic), which is often prescribed for particularly severe cases of acne that do not respond to other treatments, and it works by stopping oil production in the sebaceous glands so that pores never become clogged. Chances of acne are therefore next to nil if you use Accutane. However, as with all antibiotics, Accutane brings with it certain side effects that are potentially harmful, which is why doctors prescribe it only as a last resort.

Then there's the TriClear Acne Eliminator, which a friend of mine used with admittedly impressive results. As the name indicates, the TriClear process involves three steps: cleaning with a purifying cleanser, healing with a repair gel, and soothing with a revitalizing cream. The idea is to "reduce the appearance of acne, control excess oil production and prevent future breakouts". Marilee, the friend who used the TriClear products, says her acne-scarred face looked significantly less raw and ravaged after only a week.

However, as you would have noticed by now, none of these treatments are actually cures for acne, though Accutane may be said to come close since it strikes at the root of the problem. In the long run, acne cure is ultimately about prevention and control and not about total elimination.

The Quest For An Acne Cure

Acne Proactive Solution

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Acne Treatments That Don't Work

Acne Proactive Solution

The majority of acne products don't work. Every month, more and more companies decide selling acne products to acne sufferers is very profitable, so they quickly come up with a product, mix a few chemicals, add a little benzyl peroxide, and label the product as a guaranteed cure to acne.

Acne Proactive Solution

It's true. Acne treatment companies are making a killing, selling us acne suffers promising products that don't work. More and more of these come up each day hoping to earn a shilling from the pot. Acne suffers are so vulnerable, because we are constantly desperately searching for the latest acne treatment products that work.

Acne Proactive Solution

So, how do these companies do it? The most common approach is to take Proactive, remake their three-step treatment, and market it as a different brand and label the treatment as "better than Proactive." We've all seen this common marketing scheme. Other companies come along, take a few two dollar vitamins here and there, place them into a bottle, and market the pills as "kills acne inside out," and they sell it for forty dollars. These acne products have very low success rates and have come to dominate the acne treatment market. Affiliates are promoting these rip-off products hoping to earn a share from the million dollar pot - and guess what? These affiliates never suffered from acne in their lifetime and they're recommending us acne treatments.

Acne Proactive Solution

There are a few e-books (digital "books" emailed to you) out there today which also claim to cure acne. These authors claim that if you detoxicate your body for three days (or in essence, starve yourself for three days), you'll be completely acne free. All you need to do is to eat apples and drink many glasses of water everyday, and you'll be free of acne. This is a very promising statement, but in reality, starving yourself for three days doesn't equal becoming acne free. Your acne will probably slightly diminish, but it will come right back after you start eating again. Acne is somewhat related to diet, but to completely cure acne requires a consistent healthy diet kept over a period of a year. Definitely not three days.

Almost, not all, of the acne products claiming to treat your acne inside out "naturally" don't work. They send you a load of vitamins and foreign herbs which may smell nice, but they are just giving a placebo effect - they make the skin healthy and soft, but do not treat acne. Their success rates are very low, and they treat only the mildest of mild acne situations if they actually work. It's obvious why these treatments do not work - they are vitamins, not acne treatments.

An effective acne treatment is one that:

#1: Keeps pores clean - clogged pores lead to acne
#2: Kills skin bacteria - bacteria causes inflammation in acne, which leads to moderate/severe acne
#3: Solves the problem inside out - no, it's definitely not vitamins and herbs

Thankfully, each year a decent acne treatment does get produced which involved years of research. Electronic acne treatments have taken a leap over acne creams and medications - these devices took years of research to perfect. Zeno and blue light therapy (light bulb) are both highly researched devices that are commonly used to treat acne.

The main purpose of electronic devices out there today is to kill the bacteria that causes inflammation in acne. Bacteria often get trapped in the pore, which provides a favorable location for the bacteria to reproduce. This causes inflammation in the pimple. By killing off the bacteria, this prevents the acne from getting worse, allowing the pimple to quickly heal when the pore is clean again.

Why should you use electronic devices when acne creams "do the same thing?" Benzyl peroxide in acne treatments should kill bacteria, but after applying benzyl peroxide to the face for a few months, the bacteria that causes inflammation in acne start to resist it. By using blue light therapy or Zeno, you can provide an uninhabitable environment for the bacteria, specifically p.-acne, which kills 99.9% of the bacteria within a week. Benzyl peroxide's effectiveness is never this high.

There are a few topicals currently on the market that doesn't use benzyl peroxide to kill the acne causing bacteria. These products are more worthwhile to purchase, and if these acne treatments help treat your acne, they will work for much longer than any benzyl peroxide product out there.

Overall, you just shouldn't try out new acne treatments that nobody has used. There are no new miracle acne treatments being produced, so don't get your hopes up. Be sure to research the chemicals used in acne products, and make sure the chemicals in your acne treatments aren't skin irritants - these lead to further breakouts.

Acne Treatments That Don't Work

Acne Proactive Solution

Friday, November 25, 2011

Will Your Acne Go Away on Its Own?

Acne Proactive Solution

 It's really easy to sit around and hope that your acne will just go away on its own. Unfortunately, for most of us this isn't the case. You have to proactive and work to get your acne to go away. If this sounds like your situation, get out there and do something about it. You may not see results right away, but any step you take to clear your skin is one step closer to getting it cleared up, and feeling way better about your appearance.

Acne Proactive Solution

The key to achieving clear skin is to take a two prong approach.  First step is to eat a good diet.  This may sound obvious, but it is essential to clearing your skin.  Avoid junk food, fast food, sugar, and excessive carbohydrates.  Cutting the amount of meat that you eat will also help clear your face up.  Switch it up and base your diet around fruit, vegetables, nuts, and real home-cooked food.  Your drink of choice should be water.  Water will flush out the toxins that the bad food put into your body.  Hydrated skin is far less likely to clog, than the oily skin that most of us have.

Acne Proactive Solution

The second step to clearing your skin is to use an acne treatment.  It doesn't really matter what the treatment is, the important thing is that you stick to it.  If you keep jumping from treatment to treatment, you'll never get the kind of results you'll get from picking one and sticking to it.  The multi-step treatments, like Acne Free and Proactiv, are great choices for long term skin care.  Using these products until your skin has totally cleared up will allow you to gradually step down to just a face wash program to keep your skin clear.

Acne Proactive Solution

If you want clear skin, you will have to do some work to achieve it.  I'm sure that's not the news that you wanted to hear, but it's an unfortunate truth.  Clear your skin by eating good, home-cooked food, drinking water, and sticking to a skin care treatment.

Will Your Acne Go Away on Its Own?

Acne Proactive Solution

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why Treating Acne is Challenging

Acne Proactive Solution

It can be a challenge actually treating acne because of the different range of products that are available on the market. It is therefore essential that you have a basic understanding as to why acne develops in order to be able to treat it successfully.

Acne Proactive Solution

In order to find the best product you need to decide what you hope that product will be able to do for your. And the best acne products is the one that is best suited for your skin and your body and is not going to lead any adverse reactions. As well as this, the product would need deal with the problem of acne, and not just the symptoms, so when you stop using the product, your acne will not appear once again.

Acne Proactive Solution

There are certainly many types of products that are available and there are indeed many famous products that can be seen on the television and also advertised in magazines that many people are aware of. Some of these can actually be very effective in the treatment of acne providing of course that it is of a mild nature and not severe. But these products are not really going to do any more than actually surpass the problem of acne and just treat the actual symptoms and not help the actual problem of acne.

Acne Proactive Solution

Plus you need to consider the cost of these acne products. It sometimes seems that most of these companies do increase the price of the products because they know that people will buy them, often in desperation, hoping that they have found the miracle treatment for acne that they have been searching for so long.

Why Treating Acne is Challenging

Acne Proactive Solution

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Does Proactiv Acne Solution Work? Read Our Proactiv Acne Solution Review

Acne Proactive Solution

Trying to get rid of acne is a battle that unfortunately many of us have to go through during our teenage years and beyond.

Acne Proactive Solution

There are many different acne treatment solutions now that weren't available even ten years ago. The beauty now is that acne is now treatable and you can win the fight.

Acne Proactive Solution

So, today we are going to talk about one treatment that has worked for a long time for many people. Proactiv acne solution is one treatment that you should definitely look into.

Acne Proactive Solution

Why should you listen to me? Because I, like you, have suffered through acne and at the time I had acne, Proactiv acne solution was about the only thing available to try other than prescriptions and over-the-counter stuff you can buy at the drugstore - most of which never worked anyhow.

Therefore, we are going to do a review of Proactiv acne solution providing information on how it works, who it works for, and if it will work for you!

First, let me say that it did work for me. However, after doing extensive research, it does not work for everyone's situation. We all have different skin types, acne types, and other factors that may result in a treatment working or not.

On the other hand, if you are a desperate as I always was, I would try anything especially since the company does offer a money back guarantee that I know for a fact they uphold.

Proactiv acne solution is a safe alternative that doesn't provide the nasty side effects some aggressive prescription medications do. Being dermatologist tested, it has been shown to be very safe and effective.

The secret is in the system where a combination of steps is used to fight acne at the core. Utilizing the ever-powerful benzoyl peroxide, Proactiv acts to remove dead skin cells, unplug pores, clean out and destroy bacteria, and revitalize the skin.

The best part is that many of the pieces of the solution are alcohol-free (which you won't find in many over-the counter treatments) and oil-free while using a moderate amount of benzoyl peroxide to work with the natural oils and other aspects of your skin.

The system comes as a 3-step treatment process, however you can add on additional solutions based on your situation. The website alone helps to guide you through the process in order to select the best treatment possible.

Price-wise Proactiv acne solution is quite affordable comparable to its competition and comparable to the amount of money prescriptions and doctor visits will cost over time. The drawback is that you will probably need to make a long-term commitment to using the system. Once you have fought and won the battle, you'll need to keep using it to win the war. Therefore over time, it can get costly.

However, if you are like me, the cost is peanuts compared to the confidence you will gain by looking and feeling great without acne.

Results: Obviously if you visit their website you will read success stories and there are plenty of them to back up the use of Proactiv acne solution. Again, I am one of them and would gladly provide a testimonial.

But, what about the folks that it didn't work for? They are out there too and if you are like me, you want to be able to make an educated decision on a product by knowing all the facts.

After reading through many stories, we have found a number of folks who just didn't want to try it at all and wanted another solution (which there are many). I also found folks who said that it made their acne worse because it was harsh on the skin as benzoyl peroxide can be.

On a personal note, I couldn't use Proactiv acne solution per the recommendations. It was harsh on my skin, so when I only used it a few days a week it worked wonders. So, it's all about finding that balance when it comes to any treatment.

I found many folks who hadn't used it long enough to work. You typically want to give any treatment a 30 day to 6 month process to allow your skin and body to react. Many times and especially with prescriptions, the acne will get worse before it gets better.

Many folks wanted a more natural treatment which does work for many people. You have to be mentally prepared and ready to dive in because your body will react according to how you view the treatment.

Other than that would I rate Proactiv with a thumbs up? The answer - yes! Bottom line is try it. If it doesn't work for you return it and start the process of reviewing products over again. It took me a little while to find the best treatment for me, so don't give up. You can get rid of acne forever whether you use Proactiv acne solution, prescription medications, or other treatments

Does Proactiv Acne Solution Work? Read Our Proactiv Acne Solution Review

Acne Proactive Solution

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Useful Hormonal Acne Treatment

Acne Proactive Solution

Should you experience an outbreak then you understand there will be quite a lot of products in existence to be able to try it could be overwhelming. Nevertheless, what hormonal acne remedy will be suitable in regards to your plight plus can they actually succeed?

Acne Proactive Solution

The first condition of hormones changing is during your teenage years. Utilizing oral contraceptives and pregnancy consist of additional conditions that have a consequence in regards to the hormone levels. Because there are lots of scenarios that play an important part for a breakout by what mode are you aware which cure will be correct for you?

Acne Proactive Solution

Should you utilize O.T.C. solutions be sure to check on the containers when the dilemma becomes annoying or starts to spread quickly. The courses of action include substances that create acute uncomfortable side effects, thus you might choose not to use them as a solution.

Acne Proactive Solution

The first remedy is ProActiv. ProActiv focuses its advertising for teens, nonetheless older individuals could make use of this product as well. This procedure provides a method to clean the skin texture of dangerous oils as well as toxins that have accumulated. Afterward there tends to be a toner which keeps the skin refreshed. Lastly, a renewing moisturizer is utilized to be able to make sure that nutrients and vitamins, which are necessary to possess an ideal appearing skin texture, will be placed back to the skin.

Should you go to see the practicing physician they are able to prescribe a lot of solutions that are perhaps in a type of cream or even oral pills in order to get rid of your acne. A key ingredient possibly will be Accutane, that tends to be an incredibly powerful antidote. It will be used for people which have not noticed some variation utilizing different treatment alternatives before this prescription.

The effective ingredient in ProActiv will be benzoyl peroxide that is often utilized in additional methods, however not as strong as for Proactiv's approach. This hormonal acne treatment will in no way need a prescription from the doctor.

Retin-a tends to be an additional tactic that a lot of folks declare provided them an antidote they needed to be able to remove their breakouts. Also, Retin-a is utilized in regards to scarring, wrinkles, stretch marks, skin discoloration plus other various sorts of skin situations. It tends to be a widely used antidote that is prescribed by your medical doctor. Though it is possible you will observe many non-prescription solutions that comprise Retin-a. Those remedies will in no way be as powerful as a written prescription.

Should you be after more of a holistic technique you then ought to attempt a few of the essential oils that are proven to deal with a breakout, such as tea tree, bergamot, clove, lavender and rosewood. The assorted oils are generally utilized to make your skin soft and smooth, improve your texture and reduce redness.

Most individuals may not recognize how bad their situation is till they have been advised by their medical professional. You can have a circumstance where you possibly will make use of every remedy presented, but in no way observe any results. You will not be by yourself when it comes to outbreaks which tend not to be uncomplicated to eliminate. Be sure that to have a word with the dermatologist if the condition becomes worse using products that you have tried and not been successful.

Useful Hormonal Acne Treatment

Acne Proactive Solution

Monday, November 21, 2011

Essential Vitamins To Cure Acne

Acne Proactive Solution

Acne, for many, leads to de-moralizing oneself and low levels of self esteem and at times even depression in people across the world. Though the reasons as to why acne pops up are many, such as- hormonal imbalances, highly stressed out, improper eating patterns, and genetic effect; regulated and balanced diet is essential for all to have healthy skin that is blemish and scar free.

Acne Proactive Solution

In order for our food to be nutritious, it needs to contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which will help fight diseases and acne. Our body needs various vitamins, each for a different purpose and if there is lack of vitamins, it could be one of the major reasons for break out of acne, especially amongst youngsters. If the dermatologist or your general physician recommends you take a look at your diet chart and rework it to suit your body, then you will also need to include vitamin rich food in it. Even though all the minerals and vitamins are good for our health, the ones that are particularly effective while battling the spurts of acne are - Vitamins A, B, C, and E.

Acne Proactive Solution

Some of the vitamins are essential because they contain antioxidants which will help in removing the toxins from our body. Vitamin B is said to keep our skin healthy and pimple free, and also to cure acne or other such related issues. If we don't get adequate amounts of vitamin A, it will lead to acne and a string of other diseases. This vitamin is required to keep our skin alive, and free from infections, and build its immunity against these bacteria. Basically, what a person who has acne is advised is to eat healthy food, and include plenty of vegetables in their diet. This will help them not only cure acne but also remain fit in the long run.

Acne Proactive Solution

All the vitamins that come under the category of Vitamin B work at attacking the bacteria that causes acne and each vitamin has a role to play in this treatment. Vitamins B1, B2 & B12 help in increasing blood circulation and keeping our skin healthy; Vitamin B5 is consumed to cut down on stress in our system and better functioning of our adrenal glands.

Vitamin C is also equally important, as it increases metabolism rate and for tissue growth and repair. It should be taken as part of our daily diet. Finally, Vitamin E too plays a role in curing acne, it is an antioxidant that works in helping our skin heal faster and repairing of the damaged skin tissues. This kind of a vitamin rich diet will definitely help us to keep acnes at bay, it will also ensure our body is healthy and there are no ailments. Instead of taking vitamin supplements, try to include different kinds of vegetables and fruits, eggs, mushrooms and cereals in your diet for a wholesome meal. These will do their work inside our body and the results will be obvious on our skin.

Essential Vitamins To Cure Acne

Acne Proactive Solution

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Eye Opening Facts on Sensitive Skin Care

Acne Proactive Solution

If you have tried various products for skin care and can not find the ones that work for you, then you might need to buy some sensitive skin care items that will nourish and protect your skin. Here are some various suggestions for the best organic skin care cream, as well as beauty skin care products used for sensitive skin.

Acne Proactive Solution

Light Treatment

Acne Proactive Solution

If you are the type of person that has sensitive skin, the kind of skin care that you use will in all probability not be too greasy or thick - you can use a fragrance-free cleanser that is light, such as Phisoderm or Cetaphil.

Acne Proactive Solution

This way you do not have to worry in terms of breakouts from chemicals or fragrances contained in skin care products. You might want to get moisturizers that are free of excessive chemicals and perfumes as well, to complement your routine for sensitive skin care.

Bear in mind that other products that you use can also impact the health of your sensitive skin. Body care is equally important for sensitive skin care purposes as is taking care of the face: if you use skin care beauty products for your hair or skin, it's a wise choice to ensure that these products are gentle as well as free of chemicals.

This is one of the reasons why organic skin care is a smart choice for shampoos, laundry detergents and cosmetics made from organic ingredients because they are generally mild to the skin, although some natural skin care products, such as tea tree oil or lemon oil can be rough on the skin if used too frequently or in huge quantities.

Retaining Moisture and Cleaning Pores

If you use prescription acne medication or after cleaning your face with a moisturizing cream or toner, you may want to simply wash your face with water at room temperature before applying a skin care cream. This helps to keep the skin from being stripped of moisture which can help to prevent breakouts.

If you wear makeup throughout the day, using skincare beauty creams such as cold cream or a light makeup removal cream will remove makeup on your face as well as clean impurities from your skin pores.

If the system of skin care that you are using for sensitive skin is not quite working, or if you use a certain treatment for acne and not seeing results immediately, it may be preferable to lower the duration you use this particular system for skin care.

For example, if Proactiv acne is not providing you with the results you need, you can reduce the time you use Proactiv treatment of acne to one time a day instead of two or three times. Sensitive skin can be easy to take care of, if you know what products to take advantage of. for additional details talk to your dermatologist.

Eye Opening Facts on Sensitive Skin Care

Acne Proactive Solution

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Important Facts About Topical And Electronic Acne Treatments

Acne Proactive Solution

In order to treat your acne effectively, it is important that you fully understand the two types of acne treatments that are available today. This article will reveal the serious side effects of some of these treatments while equipping you with the latest information on therapies available to treat acne.

Acne Proactive Solution

There are two common types of treatments for acne:

Acne Proactive Solution

a. Topical Treatments

Acne Proactive Solution

b. Electronic Therapies

Topical Treatments

1. Accutane - Though this treatment was popular, it has been proven to have some connection to birth defects and increases the risk of suicide in young adults.

2. Retin A (Retinoic acid) - Has been linked to skin inflammation and increases the risk of blood clots in women especially women that smoke.

3. Benzoyl peroxide - Effective in controlling excess oil and has an antibiotic that fights the bacteria that causes acne. While this is a good treatment for acne, it can leave the users skin dry and irritated.

4. ProActiv Solution - Uses Benzoyl Peroxide in lower quantities to prevent or reduce the dryness and irritation that is associated with Benzoyl Peroxide. Though ProActiv Solution is endorsed by a lot of stars users of the product have complained that the product works for a while and then stops working. It is also important to note that this product has worked for a lot of people. And one can only say that how effective it will be for you will largely depend on the type of acne you have.

Other effective topical acne treatments are: Oxy Balance, Oxy Maximum, Neutrogena's On The Spot Treatment, and Nicomide-T.

Electronic Treatments:

1. Zeno - Is an electronic device about the size of a small mobile phone that sends controlled heat for about 2 to 3 minutes to a zit to destroy the acne bacteria. If you have the occasional pimple that pops out, then this treatment is ideal. However, if your acne problem is moderate to severe, then this method will not work well for you.

2. Laser treatment - This treatment takes a two-prong approach to treating acne. There is the laser that heats up the acne bacteria to destroy it and the other laser shuts down the production of excess oil. The laser treatment seems to have an anti-aging benefit by prompting the skin to produce more collagen.

The laser treatment is expensive and should only be used when the topical treatments do not work. It is typically used in the treatment of large areas affected by acne, such as the back.

3. Photo Dynamic Therapy (Light Treatment) - This therapy combines the use of laser or and a topical solution called Levulan. The treatment is very effective, but it is highly recommended that you use a very strong sunblock at least 24 hours after treatment and to avoid direct sunlight.

Important Facts About Topical And Electronic Acne Treatments

Acne Proactive Solution