Wednesday, August 24, 2011

During treatment, anti acne products that work

Acne Proactive Solution

During treatment products typically include acne treatments for acne or blemish, and detergents, moisturizers, lotions, pads and wipes, masks and strips, shaving creams, and toners and astringents.

Acne Proactive Solution

So how do you know what to use during treatment for acne you? Here are some simple yet powerful information that most people unfortunately do not take the time to find out.

Acne Proactive Solution

Benzoyl peroxide the killer bacteria

Acne Proactive Solution

Benzoyl peroxide (BP) inDuring the treatment products for acne:

Ideal for medium to moderate acne

It penetrates the skin deep, hard to kill the bacteria,

Use pre-

-Dry and scaly skin,

Works faster than prescription antibiotics, and

-Does not allow bacteria to develop resistance to antibiotics prescribed.

However, BP is a very aggressive chemical. It causes redness, dryness and flaking. BP is also brighterFabric colors.

You can find a good tube of BP in the pharmacy at 2.5%, the wonders of a couple of weeks work.

Salicylic acid - the area of ​​swamp

Salicylic acid, or "beta hydroxy acid" (BHA) works best for acne and sensitive skin soft as an ingredient for cleansing the skin cells slough area, and as a means to prepare the skin for other acne treatments. It breaks down a protein that binds to cells in the skin. Over time, old skin you browseand new, healthy skin makes it to the surface. Melts points blacks and whites and helps them to market.

Salicylic acid is fairly mild. Reaches deep into the follicles of the skin, such as benzoyl peroxide. It 'can solve up to three months for small white dots and blacks.

However, salicylic acid works well if you use it on. Consistent and prolonged

Some side effects of salicylic acid include some skin peeling, dryness and irritation, when using The concentrations of 2% or more. Possible side effects include salicylate toxicity, toxic inner ear damage, and hypersensitivity. Also a risk for increased skin sensitivity to sunlight.

When searching for a cleanser for treating acne with concentrations of 2% salicylic acid in acidic soils with a pH from March to April

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA)

Alpha hydroxy acids work best for all skin types as a sweet or strong, for healing and prevention> Acne.

AHAs are natural acids which come from fruits, milk and sugar crops. Glycolic and lactic acid are the most commonly used OTC acne treatment which are well documented to date AHA.

AHAs gently remove the top layer of dead skin cells. There are currently close to the skin.

Find a product with a glycolic acid concentration between 8 and 10% and no other active ingredients. You should see the results Texture of the skin in a few weeks.

Side effects include more susceptibility to sunlight and minor skin irritation or blisters and burns. Less AHA products have FDA approval.


Retinol is the chemical name of vitamin A - the active ingredient in Retin-A prescription medication, the prescription of choice for the treatment of acne.

Retinol works best stable at high concentrations, and packed. Has not really shown to be effective for> Acne.

Sulfur and resorcinol

Basically sulfur kills the acne bacteria. Resorcinol helps to make the outer layer of the skin and increases the effect of sulfur content. However, experts are not sure how it works in combination with sulfur.

Resorcinol alone is not an effective treatment of acne. It can be very irritating to some patients. For those who can not use BP or Retin-A, sulfur may be a good alternative.

Side effects are minor: dryness and unpleasantSmell. It is not recommended for pregnant women if their doctor prescribes resorcinol. There are no known side effects of resorcinol in combination with sulfur.

Everyone is different

For maximum effectiveness, you will find a cleanser with salicylic acid or glycolic acid, a product without rinsing benzene glow moisturizer and wear.

In general, OTC drugs work within 6 to 8 weeks. If they are 10 weeks of work and can lead to epidemics,see a dermatologist.

Now you look at enough knowledge to effective skin care products and how to use them to serve in the right way.

During treatment, anti acne products that work

Acne Proactive Solution

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